Monday, 18 June 2012

OBIEE 11g6 : Database Connection Failure while creating a "New Repository..." using the Administration Tool

  1. In the OBIEE 11g 11.1.1.X.0  "BI Administration Tool" when you try to create a "New Repository..." and the below screen shows your unable to connect to your Data Source Name, as show below:

  2.  Even when you have configured your "System DSN"s correctly as show below:

  3. The solution would be to configure your tnsnames as described below:
  4. Goto the Windows 7 "Control Panel" -> "System and Security" -> "System"
  5. On the left open "Advanced system settings" and on the "System Properties" window select the "Advanced" tab.
  6. After select the "Environment Variables" button on the bottom:

  7. In the "Environment Variables" window under "System Variables" click the "New" button.
  8. then enter "TNS_ADMIN" for the "Variable Name" field and for the "Variable Value" enter the location of your OBIEE Home/oracle_common/network/admin e.g: C:\OracleFMW\oracle_common\network\admin
  9. Click "OK" to close the "Edit System Variable" window, then "OK" to close the "Environment Variables" window and "OK" again to close the "System Properties" window.

  10. Then come back to your windows explorer and copy the tnsnames.ora from your Oracle Database Home/network/admin/ e.g: C:\app\srikanth\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN  to your OBIEE Installation Home/oracle_common/network/admin e.g: C:\OracleFMW\oracle_common\network\admin
  11. You will need to create the "admin" folder then copy the tnsnames.ora to that location as show below:

  12. Now log-off as your user reboot and try creating your "New Repository..." in the "BI Administration Tool".

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