This Perl program is used to extract the CREATED_DATE column from CONTRACT_DASHBOARD table and then Inserts into the TIME_DIM_NEW table with the additional 2 columns Quarter($qtr) and Week of the Year($week) which are generated using the below perl code.
#!D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe # create table TIME_DIM_NEW AS (SELECT * from TIME_DIM WHEREMONTH='srikanth') # SELECT count(DISTINCT to_date(CREATED_DATE, 'dd/mm/rrrr')) FROM CONTRACT_DASHBOARD; # ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time) use strict; use Time::Local; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Oracle:ORCL','SRIKUSER','SRIKPASSWD', ) || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq!SELECT DISTINCT to_date(CREATED_DATE,'dd/mm/rrrr') CREATED_DATE FROM CONTRACT_DASHBOARD!); $sth->execute(); my %mHsh = ("jan" => 1, "feb" => 2, "mar" => 3, "apr" => 4,"may" => 5, "jun" => 6, "jul" => 7, "aug" => 8, "sep" => 9, "oct" => 10, "nov" => 11, "dec" => 12 ); my @splArr; my $week = 0; my ($qtr, $year, $updsql); # Fetching all the rows with "15-mar-2012" format while (my $h = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { @splArr = split(/\-/, $h->{CREATED_DATE}); # Creating a week by brute-force method # if ( ($splArr[0] >= 1) && ($splArr[0] <= 7) ) { # $week = ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} - 1) * 4 + 1; # }elsif ( ($splArr[0] >= 8) && ($splArr[0] <= 14) ) { # $week = ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} - 1) * 4 + 2; # }elsif ( ($splArr[0] >= 15) && ($splArr[0] <= 21) ) { # $week = ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} - 1) * 4 + 2; # }elsif ( ($splArr[0] >= 22) && ($splArr[0] <= 31) ) { # $week = ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} - 1) * 4 + 3; # } else { # nothing # } # Getting Quarter of the Year using the month if ( ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} >= 1) && ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} <= 3) ) { $qtr = 1; } elsif ( ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} >= 4) && ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} <= 6) ) { $qtr = 2; } elsif ( ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} >= 7) && ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} <= 9) ) { $qtr = 3; } elsif ( ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} >= 10) && ($mHsh{lc($splArr[1])} <= 12) ) { $qtr = 4; } if ( $splArr[2] =~ /([0-9]+)\s*/ ) { $year = $1; }else { die "Cannot update with proper Year: $year" } # Getting week of the day using today's date. # my @newArr = localtime(time); # my ($MONTHDAY, $WEEKDAY, $YEARDAY) = (localtime(time))[3,6,7]; # $week = int($YEARDAY / 7) + 1 # Getting this $week uses the Time::Local module. my $gmtime = timegm(0, 0, 0, $splArr[0], $splArr[1]-1, $year-1900); my @gmtime = gmtime($gmtime); $week = int($gmtime[7] / 7 ) + 1; my $rs = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO TIME_DIM_NEW (CONT_CREATED_DT, YEAR, QTR, MONTH, WEEK, MONTH_NUM) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $rs->execute($h->{CREATED_DATE}, $year, $qtr, $splArr[1], $week, $mHsh{lc($splArr[1])}) || &die_clean("Couldn't execute sql".$dbh->errstr."\n" ); # An another Alternate way to inserting into a table using do() instead of execute(). # my $rs = $dbh->do("INSERT INTO TIME_DIM_NEW(CONT_CREATED_DT, YEAR, QTR, MONTH, WEEK, MONTH_NUM) VALUES(\'$h->{CREATED_DATE}\', $year, $qtr, \'$splArr[1]\', $week, $mHsh{lc($splArr[1])})"); # die "$dbh->errstr" if (!$rs); } # End of while $dbh->disconnect;
Initially you can observe that the "SELECT DISTINCT ....." statment gets all the dates with 'dd/mm/yyyy' format for e.g: 15-mar-2012.
Next in the while loop observe $qtr and $week is being generated with if-elseif condition and gmtime() funtion respectively.
Then these are all inserted again into a table TIME_DIM_NEW.
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